Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Granville Island

This was a place we wanted to check out and didn't have the chance last time. 

It's called Granville Island. You can read more about it HERE

In my own words I'd explain it like this: it's an island (well, of course) -- in fact we took a water taxi across from the city of Vancouver to spend our day. (Just the water taxi was fun!) 

There are local artists with their beautiful art work and lots and lots of stores. (not chain stores -- all art type stores) So it was a really cool place to check out and spend our day. 

It also had amazing food -- not sit down restaurants, all in a Public Market. The Public Market reminded us of visiting Anna in college (the public market near Anna's college is in a post back HERE). 

I carried around my camera and this is what I captured...

There were about a dozen mini stores in this bigger Kids World Store... all really unique toys. My girls had outgrown it for sure but they still liked looking around. 

Bookstores... we always stop! And this one had a lot of unique reads. Anna would love this for a wall at home. It reminded me of our 'chapter book library' at home but way bigger!  There is a picture of our chapter book library back HERE (although the teepee is not there anymore) 

There were some really cool gardens on the island as well. 

Love them so much! 

Abigail and I found some really good seating for the food that Scott and Anna were looking at all of the lunch choices. We all got something different - crepes!!! 

This is the view toward Granville Island after we had left for the day. 

This is the aqua bus that we took there and back! 

Later that day it was time to check out the pool. We stayed HERE

Later that night we went into the city to explore and find something for dinner. 

For sure one of the things we love about Vancouver is the pier and the mountains in the background. 

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