*Breakfast started with cinnamon rolls made from the same dough I had just made for our Thanksgiving rolls (and the parade)

*There was turkey basting and the smells in our home I wait all year long for

*I made my pecan pie and Christmas sugar cookies the night before, but my apple pie I made that day

*Lots of greens in our home this Holiday season - a real nature feel

*A whimsical, baking themed kitchen

*Her (my baking center) first Thanksgiving in our home

*Apple pie in the cutest little pie cooling window Scott built me

*Us, Anna 16, Abigail 13... my heart in that frame

*This is her very favorite holiday

*My blessings, my heart could burst it's so in love with those two girls

*And her dress made me pretty happy too... never grow up...

*And the next series are all from Anna picking up my camera

*We do a kitchen dance like no one I know - not literally dancing (although sometimes), more like we love to both cooking at the same time, it's out thing and hosting this holiday brings out the best in us

*Dad's 80th Thanksgiving

*Christmas music playing - time for tea and sweets

*A basket of Christmas cookies makes me oh so happy - and so does pie

*Cousin love

*They were down here in the playroom for hours while Scott and I got a chance to finally catch up with my brother and sister in law all cozy in front of the fire

*I had a lot of help cleaning up in the kitchen from my Mom and sister in law. So when everyone was gone I quickly vacuumed, swept, turned on the fist round of the dishwasher (and left the rest til tomorrow) and Scott and I kissed our girls (chatted extra with Anna who comes alive after 11 and we love that new 'grownup' talk with her) and climbed into our Christmas bed, and fell asleep with the glow of two little trees on our nightstands. I love this holiday so much that I wish we could do it all over again next week...