Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Ohh Eggs!

sparkly egg

I've got to admit, sometimes I find holidays exhausting.  I wasn't even hosting Easter but with all of the "get ready" I can easily feel overwhelmed when I'm adding everything on top of my regualar to do list.  (plus I've been packing for an upcoming trip)

mommy and abi

This year it was the egg dying for me.  It was late Saturday afternnon and I just didn't feel like it.  But then I look back at holday pictures, or these egg dying pictures and I see the happiness on their faces and am so glad I 'rallied' and did it!

anna and daddy

Holidays are all about traditions and it's up to me to keep them.  I love them, am grateful to have grown up in a family that honored Holiday tradtions and I want the same for my girls. 

abigail painting


1 comment:

  1. I hear ya tara!! believe me I HEAR YA!!!
    Such sweetness. Love the painted ones too. I really wanted to try that this year....remind me next year k?:)
    have a happy day tara
