Scott and I went to Abigail's preschool field day. We just adore her preschool (same one Anna went to). It's tiny and the we love the two teachers. Abigail is such a different child than Anna. She really beamed during the 'events' of field day. And she really got right in there. It was so much fun to watch!

I love her face in this one, sweet

I'm sure her teachers taught them to be so excited for their friends. I loved watching her screaming for her classmates.

It was the tug of war that had her beyond excited! Boy do I love watching her so happy!

She gave it all she had!

At the end her teachers awarded all of the kids with a field day medal.

So proud of herself. This was the happy, proud of herself face we never saw on Anna. I'm not comparing them but I can't help comparing the experiences. Looking back it was easy to see how these "not the normal routine" school days threw Anna off, and she struggled. Abigail beams where Anna was so very fearful. Anna is healthy where Abigail struggles with each bite she tries to eat. So Scott and I force ourselves to focus on the positive for each of our girls, and work to improve their struggles.

They had a family picnic after. Love this one of of her with her daddy.

Cold, sweet, yum! I always take pictures of Abigail eating. Even eating a popscicle thrills us!

So many more happy spring posts to come!
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