Monday, June 26, 2023

The Great Big Catch Up Post

I am bound and determined that I will catch up on all of the pictures and all of the memories. 

So this post is all pictures on my phone. They aren't connected and really I just want to have the memories here. I'll try to explain as I go along: 

Oh the last day. It was magic in room 124, just magic. This is their end of year gift. They had painted frames and I had taken a beautiful picture of our class family and put those in the frames and wrapped them up. What is really special is that they are wrapped with a very special ribbon. Let's see if I can explain. On the first day of school (actually on the meet and greet before school started) I had parents write on a ribbon their hopes and dreams for their child for the upcoming year. Those ribbons hung in our classroom all year long  and then I took them down and used those ribbons to tie up their frames. 

Here is what it looked like when all of the ribbons were hanging in the classroom together. (all of the families hopes and dreams for they children)

Another activity we had was to "pass the portrait". I took down the portrait that they had draw way back in September. Then they wrote on the back of the portrait and after everyone was done we passed them along. So they ended up writing on all 20 of them. They wrote the sweetest notes. 

They reread their hope and dream that they had written for themselves and the one I wrote for them. 

Super powerful end of year activity. 

The authors celebration with all of their published books!

Helping Abigail study for finals - all that English vocab

In the middle of all of that there was an audition for the private orchestras

Abigail played in a chamber group concert

This must have been when Anna was home for a long weekend - you can tell from the way I'm holding onto her! 

Let's end (oh my I think I might be caught up) Anything more adorable than two little girls in my class with best friends charms? 

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