Sunday, March 27, 2022

Sunday Ponderings - on creating beauty

Taste and see that the Lord is good.

Psalm 34:8 

My weekend and my weeks can be filled with joy, perfectly balanced with all of the things 

with love, 


what seems like just enough teaching and just enough time in my home- 

unless they are not. 

There are weekends and weeks that are just hard - 





It is that way with all of us. There are seasons. And sometimes there are just those kind of days. 

I believe that in those times holding on to a sense of order and loveliness is essential. I do believe that it is easier to walk through challenging days or painful seasons if it can be in a lovely environment. 

Where does this idea come from? Well, from God. He is the ultimate artist. Out of a void of nothing he created order and beauty. The blue skies with puffy white clouds, tulips just coming up, green leaves on trees... 

I believe that one simple way to combat stress, to combat discouragement, to combat exhaustion, to combat fear is creating small spaces of beauty. 

Framed photos of memories to hold on to, 

an inexpensive bouquet of flowers in a vase, 

magazines that are pretty to look at, 

books piled on shelves and in baskets, 

pretty vintage dishes and tea cups waiting and calling for a quiet, still moment.

a basket filled with fruit, 

a favorite mug, 

A perfect house to combat difficult days? Certainly not. But order, and just a little place that speaks beauty. 

Yes, I will always believe. 

A book, with beautiful paintings for reflection, I am recommending this week is: 

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