Thursday, June 20, 2024

Orchestra Placement Day

Right at the end of the school year - right in the middle of studying for finals - right when Anna was turning 21 - right after Anna came home from over 5 months in Beijing China - right when Scott and I were trying to wrap up our school years - right in the middle of all of that was Abigail's placement day. 

Sometimes this family has a season (this spring!) when we are so busy busy and tired to our toenails that we just go through the motions without much thought because, well, we just have to. 

This audition fell right in the middle of a lot and she just picked up her viola, signed in, and walked in that little room to audition. 

And then we find ourselves in the next season, summer. And it is glorious because I can look back and see what we did. I just don't want to forget. 

So proud of you Abigail! 

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