Saturday, August 3, 2024

Summer Teatime Discipleship #3

I wrote about the first one back here  

I wrote about the second back here 

Teatime Three: Faith and Faithfulness 

When we exercise our faith and choose to be faithful at every age, it pleases Him for us to believe in His reality and presence. 

What is faithfulness? 

As defined faithfulness is: being loyal, accurate, reliable, conscientious. 

The story of Ruth and Naomi: Naomi's two sons passed away. She told her two daughter in law to go back to their own mother's homes and find new husbands. Ruth chose to stay by Naomi's side. 

Ruth 1:16-18

So Ruth began working in a filed to pick up left over grains. The field belonged to a man named Boaz, who recognized Ruth's faithfulness (loyalty, devotion) to Naomi even in a time of great despair. 

Ruth 2:11-12

Ruth married Boaz and had a son - who was part of Jesus' ancestral line. 

Her unknown fears and doubts didn't prevent her from stepping forward in faith. She continued acts of faithfulness big and small that led her to be blessed by the Lord. 

During our lives we'll experience many moments, challenges, choices, and transitions that provide opportunities for us to demonstrate our faithfulness to God. Those are also the times we witness God's faithfulness to us. 

When we walk forward in faith and honor Him there will be situations when our expectations don't line up with what is happening. We might have days or seasons when we've been faithful to God's call in our lives but we doubt He is leading / guiding us. 

This is when our faithfulness is even more important. The fruit of following where He leads is living the story He has planned for us. 

We feasted on homemade bread toasted into cinnamon sugar perfection and a fruit salad that was so so good! What a treat! 

We immersed ourselves in God's Word and conversation about faith and faithfulness. 

Here are some verses we focused on: 

Hebrews 11:1

Proverbs 3:5-6

Hebrews 10:23

Another post you might like: Mentoring, Mothering, Discipling 

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