Friday, August 2, 2024

Anna's Last Day of Summer 'teaching'

This summer we were thrilled that Anna chose to do ESY again as a para. This was her second summer as a para for this town wide program for students who have academic needs during the school year. 

Here is a post from last summer - A Summer Job that Changes a Heart

Today she came beaming out of that school on her last day filled with energy, happiness, and joy! 

Here are some of the things she said: 

  • I'm so glad I did ESY this summer
  • I feel like I was meant to be in that room
  • I was meant to meet those kids and help them out
  • I love the staff and how supportive everyone is
  • Everyone is willing to help
  • The head teacher is grateful "thanks for all you've done"
  • Now I know I need to work with kids
We are oh so proud of you Anna and letting God work through you again this summer. May he continue to guide you. 

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