Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Fall is Coming!

It's our last week of summer around here and usually that means that we keep up with all of our daily rhythms and I fit in a bit of setting up my classroom here and there each day. 

It also means we begin thinking about Anna going back to school. Thankfully Anna will only be away at college a bit over an hour and not in China so we're barely thinking about packing yet. 

It usually means that I have already begun decorating for autumn. I like to have the whole house all cozy for fall before September 1st. That means I really gotta get going! I think last year I was all or almost all done by now. 

I was just about to take down all of strawberry plates, summer cookbooks, flowers and such and I decided to snap just a few more pictures. I've taken lots and lots over the summer of the kitchen. It surely is the place where I start decorating and I feel most motivated, so there's lots of pictures of that! 

But I wanted to remember what it looked like this summer to have my two girls violas hanging in the living room. I just love when they are hanging there - mostly because it means that both of my girls are H O M E  💗

And the dining room with it's sunny sunflowers. I also like to keep the dining room set just in case we decided to invite friends over or just dine in there ourselves. It makes me smile to see it all set with pretty dishes. 

Now it's time to pack up 

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