Sunday, August 18, 2024

Adoption Day ~ Twenty Years Ago Today

Just like all things I wonder how that much time has gone by. But THIS ONE, this anniversary of her adoption day being twenty years ago is just amazing to me. 

When I think over all of those years I can't help but realize all that God has done. He has had his hand on Anna's life from the beginning, even before we could be in China. There have been such challenges for her along the way. There have been things that have been unfair - things that no child should have to work through. But she has. Twenty years of hard work, love, pouring into her life, and I am overwhelmed with who she is and where she is in her life. She is truly a remarkable young woman. 

In some ways August 16, 2004 seems like so very long ago. I have to concentrate, close my eyes even to see the scene. Memories have faded. I am grateful for every moment caught on video. I remember being nervous but looking back now I am amazed at the act of obedience to God's calling us to adoption Scott and I took. He spoke to our hearts, we listened, we followed, we trusted and have continued to trust Him every day on this journey of parenting Anna. 

Like all mothers, just for a moment I wish I could go back and rock her to sleep again, watch her eyes flutter closed, tell that sweet very young mama that everything would be okay. I've learned so much and now I rest at ease knowing that God has access to her heart and her thoughts. I've poured into her life and given her a firm foundation but will continue to parent, disciple, love, encourage all the days of my life. 

So today I rest in a glorious place - total gratitude and awe. There are things she 'accomplished'. She is a deans list student at Holy Cross with an acceptance rate of 36.4%. She is a beautiful viola player. She is exceptionally bright, witty, kind, hard working. But above all of that; the peace that I have, comes from her knowing a loving God and loving Him in return. Her heart is deeply rooted in the catholic faith and I have no worry about her future because it is in His hands, the one that held her before I could. 

Happy twenty years as a family Anna. Twenty years ago today I became a mama. Twenty years ago today the word orphan was forever erased from your name. You are a treasure to us, and I can't wait to watch you as God's plan for your life unfolds. 



Other posts you might like: 

thoughts on adoption 

adoption day ~ ten years of forever

ten years ago today 

the story of Anna, part 1

the story of Anna, part 2

the story of Anna, part 3

the story of Anna, part 4

the story of Anna, part 5 

the story of Anna, part 6

the story of Anna, part 7

the story of Anna, part 8

 adoption day videos 

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