Wednesday, August 7, 2024

This Week

This week I'm noticing just how much these daughters of mine are together. And of course I love it!

Anna took Abigail out to lunch to a fun new place in town. 

And this week we all went to our local farm store that we love oh so much and filled a basket of homegrown farm goodies! 

Summer is such a gift. This time home day after day. Even the 'busy' ones with appointments feel like luxury to this classroom teacher mom. I am treasuring each one of them before back to school at the end of this month. 

1 comment:

  1. Both the restaurant and that farm store look like such enjoyable places to visit :). Glad you guys are getting the most out of summer.

    And I hear you when you say that even the busy summer days feel luxurious...I teach college and am in the same boat!
    (Although frankly, I think primary and high school teachers are even busier during the school year!)
