Sunday, June 23, 2024

Teatime Discipleship

It's not new on this blog of mine that I love mentoring and reaching the hearts of my girls. 

Here is a post from 2020

This one on mothering and sharing hearts

Three Things With Abigail - mentoring 


Throughout the school year I kept adding to a notebook, things I wanted to teach my daughters - things that were on my heart - lessons I'd learned. 

I wanted to wrap my arms around them and reach their hearts. 

So I was thrilled when a new book from Sally Clarkson came out called Teatime Discipleship for Mothers & Daughters. 

I've decided that throughout the summer and a few times Anna is home from college we will work through one of these chapters. 

Teatime One: Purpose and Confidence

We began by learning about the story of Rahab from the Bible and how her faith changed history. 

She placed her hope in God and after reading her story we discussed how the same God can deliver us. He's great enough to dry up the "seas" to make our way safe. 

I long for my girls to know that they are a treasure in His eyes, and that they are the art of His creative hand with a purpose to live out. 

We talked, prayed, and feasted on lemon-blueberry drizzle loaf. 

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