Friday, August 2, 2024

Hartt Suzuki Institute

This week Abigail participated in an intensive viola program: Hartt Suzuki Institute. 

Here is a post about the Suzuki method. 

Goodness, I've never written a post about how it all started in our family but there are so many 'viola' posts on this blog -- I just peeked, over 124! Just click on the label viola on the side and you'll so many, in case you feel like it, ha! 

The Hartt Suzuki Institute was offered every summer and our family never participated. I've always believed in taking time off in the summer -- pool days, playing afternoons, time to think, dream, create... and I just didn't want my girls in something so focused as an 'institute'. 

Now that Abigail is a rising senior and asked to be a part of this I said a resounding YES because she got into Solisti (that post back here) and I thought it would be good for her to have a intensive week with her viola during the summer... almost like a big week of practice because it sure is hard to motivate yourself to practice in the summer. 

We had no idea just how awesome this program would be and I'm so very glad she was a part of it this week. She completely loved it! 

Here she is walking into her end of the week concert:

Here's a close up of that sweetie and her big smile: 

And in just four days ... yes just after FOUR of the days this was the outcome: 

1. Chamber Group Concert (only 4 days together) 

2. Fiddling Class (just after 4 days together) 

I love her smile and just how into it she is (middle of the group with red hair) 

3. Orchestra (just after 4 days) (and yes, that's Beauty & the Beast) 

4. Viola Master Class (just after 5 days together) 

Piece: Romance sans Paroles, Op 17, No. 3-G Faure arr. J Gower

She has grown so much as a violist and her love for playing, joy, and enthusiasm delighted me. 

Piece: Bach - Brandenburg Concerto No. 6


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