Sunday, May 26, 2024

Abigail is Seventeen!

Oh Abigail, I love your birthday because I love that swell in your heart day when I can just think about how lovely it is that God blessed me with you! 

Your birthday arrives each year in the midst of the busiest time of year for a mama classroom teacher and a middle school principal daddy, but it doesn't matter because no matter what we celebrate you! 

This year her birthday fell in the middle of a weekend with two orchestra concerts - both Saturday and  Sunday! So we had a grandparent party (coffee, tea, and treats) in the morning on Saturday. 

Boy! I whipped that up in no time but it turned out lovely and perfect.

The day started out with our family tradition of walking in and singing happy birthday to wake up up.  (sorry Anna wasn't there) 

And then we set up all of the food. Simple. 

I made homemade donuts that morning for your 'cake'. 

Anna called from China as we were getting the morning all set up. And she had left (before China) a birthday note for her sister. 

Time for donut cake! 

There was coffee, tea, treats, presents, and just the loveliest morning around our dining room table. 

(my Moms first time over since a big surgery) 

One of Abigail's birthday presents was a school trip to NYC to see The Great Gatsby on Broadway! She just went yesterday and had the best time!

 Other birthday posts you might like:

Turning Sixteen 

Turning Sixteen trip to NYC Turning Sixteen trip to NYC 

Ten is here

Nine is here

Eight is here

Seven is here

Six is here

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