Sunday, May 26, 2024

Easter -- sent 6 weeks ahead

Written back in March -- somehow found it on this blog and posting it two months later, in May! 


Anna in China is something we have slowly gotten used to. She is doing amazing and we are so proud of her. But we miss her terribly. Sometimes I get this wave of sadness and missing that just stops me in my tracks. This summer is going to be so great! I am really looking forward to it.  

One thing I have to be on top of with her so far away is getting her packages shipped out about six weeks before I want her to have them. 

Our Valentine package got there ON Valentine's Day!

And we sent this out in the middle of February. Good thing stores have Easter things out right after Christmas! 

We filled that box with about as much love as we could!!! We wanted it full of things that would make her smile, a few things she really needed from home (her soap!) and some surprises too! 

So grateful to send this off. Wish we could pop out and get a hug from her! 

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