Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Ice Cream & a Bible Study

This weekend I made two gallons (actually I'm not sure if it's exactly one gallon) but I made two big containers of homemade ice-cream! We love it - it's so fresh with all the best ingredients.  Especially the strawberry -- amazing! I used sweet, fresh strawberries, hulled and chopped up. It makes the best ice-cream!

I also made 'smores! {with marshmallow cream, graham crackers, and chocolate}

I love to have all kinds of homemade treats on hand and ready to go whenever I need them for something like this:

I did a 'birthday tea' bible study with Abigail on a busy Tuesday evening in between loads of laundry and me writing report cards and her writing a paper for a lit class. 

Not everything needs to be pretty. It just have to have love. I can reach the heart of my daughter and guide her in the direction of God and love of Jesus on a full table with notebooks and report cards. 

That's why I love to have homemade treats on hand -- instant bible study/tea party!

I did decide to hold on a birthday gift from last week. I saved it for her birthday 'tea party' bible study which was actually a homemade ice-cream party. 

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