Thursday, May 23, 2024

This Was Fun ~ Prom

Anna wasn't into going to the prom. It just wasn't her. Her junior year was also 2020 and everything like that was canceled. In 2021 when she was a senior I'm not even sure if there was a prom that year either. 

I never gave it a thought - even as Abigail was in the middle of her junior year. So when she decided to go to prom we had to move fast. She decided to go in April and prom was May 11. 

Prom Dress Shopping 

So during our spring break in April we had some time on that Wednesday. I took her to Mariella Creations where I got my senior prom dress (back in 1991 - I went to prom with Scott). 

She picked a dress, we ordering it, and I think only 45 minutes past. 

We loved the color (jade). We loved the style on her. We loved everything about it. I loved the service (even though it was so expensive); it was worth it! 

It came in - in about a week and luckily we had taken a little more time that April break week to get shoes for her. 

 That sure was fun... 

I didn't realize just how much more there was! I suppose I did but it was such a busy time of year for our family and we had a lot to squeeze in! 
Next we found a taylor who wanted $350 to shorten it. Ummmm no. So finally after some calls we found another place and it all worked out perfectly. 

Prom Day

As an early birthday present I gave Abigail at an appointment at Blow Dry Bar. The only problem was she had orchestra until 2:30, was meeting friends for pictures at a park at 5:00, and the hair (took a long time) appointment was at 3:45. We basically didn't have time for makeup. In about 5 minutes flat, we quickly got on as much as we could (how much makeup does a 16 year old really need anyway?). The stunning gown and perfect hair made up for our lack of time! 

After getting (as quick as we could) into her dress be headed to a park for pictures. Here they are! 

She came home so happy that night - danced with her friends, had a lovely meal (they were very accommodating with her allergies), and just had so much fun -- memories to keep forever! 

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