Thursday, July 21, 2022

Oh This Book and Reading Aloud

I'm not sure I've ever written about reading aloud on this blog. But boy do I believe in it - in the power of story and in the feeling of being together. 

This summer we wanted to read a book that we had all read on our own but have never aloud together. There was a big list for us. So many to get to. But choosing this summer was easy. I'll explain. 

This past school year (Anna's freshman year at Holy Cross) she took a class on C.S. Lewis. It changed her life. I know that seems like a sweeping big statement but it's true. 

I just asked her what that class meant to her. Here is what Anna said: 

"My C.S. Lewis class was fascinating, riveting, intellectually fascinating, and spiritually enlightening. 

It just cleared up so many things about God and Jesus and faith for me.

I feel like I fully understand who Jesus is - not just what society's misconceptions were. 

God is not just a bumbly grandfather who just 'wants the kids to be happy.' He is our father. It's not that God is complacently allowing us to suffer, he guides us through darker times just as a parent does. In The Problem of Pain by CS Lewis, Lewis states that in joy, God is quiet but in pain, God shouts. If life were always perfect, we would not need to rely on God. In pain, we learn to lean on God and are able to witness his grace. 

CS Lewis' Mere Christianity, The Great Divorce, and The Problem of Pain were all faith-changing reads that makes you see Christianity and your faith in an entirely new light. Coupled with The Chronicles of Narnia which puts faith into action, CS Lewis helped me to see who God was clearly and to clear away all the doubts and false assumptions. 

Not all stories work well as read-alouds but in fact, reading aloud The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe actually enhances the experience and makes the magical world of Narnia come to life. It is a classic for a reason. The Narnia series has stood the test of time and is a one-of-a-kind gem. Another reason why Narnia is such a timeless classic is because it is wonderful to reread. Read it first to grasp the plot and understand the world, read it again to read between the lines and begin to pick up on CS Lewis' biblical references. As a child, the allusions may not be so obvious but the fantastical world is sure to broaden any child's imagination. As a teenager or adult, re-read it again to see what the underlying themes are.

And another tip: you can either read The Chronicles of Narnia in chronological order or published order. Nowadays, the series is marketed in its chronological order, starting with The Magician's Nephew. But CS Lewis published the books in the order he intended it to be read, starting with The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. I suggest reading the books in the published order first because it heightens the whimsy and the lore. The payoff is better too, when you get around to the later books. It is a completely different experience reading the books in chronological order which can offer something new  in a re-read.

- Anna

So this time of us together, knowing how much C.S. Lewis changed her life made it magical for us. 

Our plan is to read aloud the entire series - it might take us a few summers and college breaks but we will. 


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