Friday, July 26, 2024

Treasure Finding

Goodness, this is a post from waaaay back in June! 

While Abigail was in NYC for a school trip (a birthday present from us), Scott and I had the most lovely day date! Gosh I took no pictures of us but we went to all of my favorite antique shops, stopped for tea, went out to lunch in a lovely favorite town, and found a piece for home that I've been wanting! 

Best of all was being able to talk talk talk and not work work work! He is my very best friend and I can't wait for another date! 

Abigail sent us pictures throughout the whole day and it was the best knowing she was with a best friend, able to find (not allergic) food, and seeing a Broadway musical! 

Here's the story with our treasure finding. I was antiquing in the early spring and I saw this table. I know... it doesn't look like much. It was in a booth and covered with not just dust but dirt. There were a few things for sale and not much else in the booth. I cleared it off and took a good look at it. I could tell the the 'bones' were good. Beautiful wood. Beveled glass. Character. Perfect for an area of our living room. I'd been looking for an antique console table forever! This was it! 

But no price. Not for sale. 
That didn't stop me. I headed to the desk, inquired about it, and they called the owner of the booth. Not home - left a message. 

And that was it. We headed home. Later that week I called to ask and they said they'd call her. It sort of felt like a dead end, over. 

But a few weeks later Scott and I had this day together and I wanted to try just one more time. 

This time they called the owner and she picked up. She said, "name a price". We went back and forth for a bit and I ended up putting this table in our car that day! 

I should have taken an 'after' picture. Just believe me, it's perfect. 

More than that, our day was perfect. 

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