Tuesday, July 9, 2024

The Churches of Quebec, Canada

One thing that this family loves about traveling to different places is experiencing our Catholic faith in different areas of the country and of the world. 

We've been to some really special churches. 

Of course our church is our very favorite. 

(Easter, 2023) 

But there is just something about going to Mass in another place - meeting the people - hearing the different prayers (or just a different way) - seeing the alter and the actual structure of the building - hearing the music. It's actually one of my favorite parts of vacations. 

So on the Sunday of our trip to Quebec, Canada, Scott did some research (ahead of time) and found an English speaking Mass for us. It wasn't in 'Old Quebec' but right outside in a residential area, which I loved. 

The priest was so friendly. He was in the entry way when we ran in dodging a quick downpour and he actually told us not to park where we were so we wouldn't get towed, ha! So Scott ran back out to move the car and the girls and I found a spot to sit. 

On one of our last days we were able to fit in going to the Holy Door. Here is a bit of background on that: 

Located in the Notre Dame Basilica-Cathedral, the Holy Door of Québec City is one of seven such doors worldwide, and the only one to be found outside Europe.

Holy Doors symbolize a passage between what one leaves behind to what one wishes to walk toward. There are six other such Doors around the world: four in Rome, one in Spain and one in France.

The Holy Door in Québec City was inaugurated in 2013 during the 350th anniversary celebration of the founding of the Notre-Dame de Québec parish by François de Laval. A Holy Door is generally kept sealed, only being opened in holy years. The Holy Door is currently open on the occasion of the 350th anniversary of the diocese of Québec until December 8, 2024.

The act of walking through the Holy Door to enter the Basilica reflects the inner journey of comp templating ones life and seeking the truth. For Catholics it's significant because it offers an "extraordinary pathway" toward salvation with a special indulgence. It is only opened every 25 years to mark a special Jubilee year. We were so blessed that we were able to be there. 

What we didn't know that inside the Holy Door would be a special alter and area for prayer along with several significant relics. Included was the relic of Saint Kateri Takakwitha, Abigail's patron saint. 

There was a place to write prayers and then after that we realized that Saint Takakwitha's relic was there. 

Basilica Cathedral of Quebec 

Standing on the same location since 1647 and designated a Canada National Historic Site given its architectural value, the Cathedral bears witness to the history of a whole population. Here rest four governors of New France, the bishops of the diocese of Québec and a funerary chapel dedicated to François de Laval. Visitors will see various works of art and pieces of archives with the splendid interior decoration as a background. You could also see de Holy Door.

What a beautiful place to visit. Although you could enter the Basilica through the Holy Door we actually visited it another time.  

Notre-Dame Victories Catholic Church 

This is a magnificent church - beautiful, impressive. It is the first Catholic church in North America, dating back to 1664. Amazing 


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