Sunday, July 14, 2024

Sunday Ponderings

I love the at-home regular days of summer the best. 

They are simple - they allow my mind to wander.

They are restful and somehow productive.

They are peaceful and oh so satisfying as I pray, plan, work, read, think, putter, decorate, and enjoy my home and my precious family.

I could do these days forever. 

Often during the school year I long for an interval of quiet conversation, removed from the demands of being a fourth grade teacher and all that goes with a full school year for my family. 

I ponder much during the summer how to do well this "marathon" of life as a wife, mama, teacher. I know I need to bring some of this summer retreat with me. 

Continuing little, even just bits of routines that fill me into too full days: 

💕morning prayer


💕a quiet weekend morning for devotionals and reading

💕even fitting in 'fun' like decorating for the seasons or thrift/antique shopping brings me a way to press through until I realize it is summer once again 

Psalm 36:7

How precious is your steadfast love, O God! All people may take refuge in the shadow of your wings. 

(9) For with you is the fountain of life; in your light we see light. 

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