Sunday, July 7, 2024

Rainy is Okay Too

 Gosh, I don't have enough pictures from this day but I want to remember a few things: 

1. We walked to this museum - Musee de la civilisation - Quebec 

Although I didn't take any pictures, we really enjoyed our time there and it was the perfect activity to do on a rainy day. 

2. On our walk home we shopped, shopped, and shopped (It was only sprinkling at that point) 

3. Time for lunch -- our hotel restaurant had this adorable window to order sausages. Amazing! 

After this the girls relaxed while Scott and I drove into downtown Quebec for vegan donuts (Abigail's allergic to all dairy). Nothing like this place where we live. She had one for dessert that night and for breakfast the next morning too! 

We had a cozy night in the hotel watching a documentary that I'd heard about. 

Yes, rainy days are okay too! 

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