Tuesday, July 30, 2024

I'll See You In the Mass

A few years ago I read a book Theology of Home, Finding Eternal in the Everyday.  

I was struck by this paragraph: 

Meet You in the Mass

When I left for college, and at the end of every subsequent visit home thereafter, my dad would always say goodbye and that he'd see me in the Mass. Sometime later, while far from home, his meaning was impressed upon me during the moment of consecration. The Mass opens a window into the eternal by allowing us to participate in the making present of our Lord and his one eternal sacrifice. I was at a Mass in Beverly, Massachusetts, but also in the upper room, and in all future Masses, and in a Mass in my hometown. In the overlapping of eternity and time we are united to people far from us, across both time and space. I was shifting homes but remaining in place. 

I loved that sentiment - but really more than a sentiment it is truth to me as a catholic. So I started saying to Anna each time she was away at college and I talked to her, "I'll see you at the Mass." I said that to her whenever we hugged goodbye. It gave me such a sense of deep peace and connection to her that I never really thought about before. 

Last weekend Scott and I went away for our anniversary (more to come on an upcoming post). The night before we left, I hugged my girls and said, "I'll see you at the Mass." 

This popped up on my text on Saturday late afternoon. I love it oh so much. 

My girls drove to Mass and then out for dinner. Best friends. And all of us connected at the Mass. 

At that exact time Scott and I were at this lovely church. 

"He has given us the Church as our true home, the place where we can find him on earth. This home offers us, both on earth and in the future, some of the Father's abundant gifts of healing, comfort, belonging, self-awareness, worship, and nourishment. ~Gress, Mering

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