Friday, July 2, 2021

That Last Drop Off

I drove Anna to school for four years. Well, four years of high school. And then there was six years of elementary school. Middle school, she walked... through the garden gate, right into our back yard. It's going to be really hard to not drive Anna next year. I'm really going to miss her in the morning. Us racing off (at exactly 7:04), me praying over her day, and that little wave she did every day as she got out of the car. On the last day I quickly grabbed my phone and got this shot. Sigh. I still have four more years to drive to this school in the morning as Abigail will be in high school. But how I will miss Anna. 

And this sweet one. This was her 'promotion ceremony' day. It was virtual and I watched it live from my classroom and then again we did as a family that night. I can't believe that she has finished middle school. Sigh again. 

Happiness, teacher tired to the bone, and so blessed. 

PS... I just noticed that calendar in the baking center is still on May... yup... all too tired to notice! 


  1. So many emotions! How do they grow up so fast? Every stage is so wonderful but them being little is always there in the back of our minds with us missing those moments. I cannot imagine how many emotions are going through your mama heart at this stage knowing Anna is off to college in just a few months but I sure am thinking and praying for you.

    1. Thanks Shannon for your sweet comment - it is true, they do grow so fast. It makes me feel grateful for all of those stages.

  2. The picture of Anna looking back at you as she walks from the car. The things we do every day for years or months or just weeks they are just part of our routine we sometimes don’t realize how much we will miss them until they are over.

    Love the dress you wore for Abigail’s promotion ceremony!

  3. Thanks Kelli - and yes, we're in the same boat this year with so many changes off to college and off to high school. Glad we're in it together!
