Thursday, July 1, 2021

Beginning Summer

Our last day of school was June 17th. Anna graduated on the evening of June 15. Since then Scott has taken every day off. Last night he just said to me, "I feel like we're finally getting our yard and house back." It's true, as much as I love to decorate, keep things organized, clean, etc : it sort of all 'falls apart' in May and June. Then we spend from the last day of school until July 1 getting our lives back together again. 

While we've been working hard on some yard projects there are wonderful things going on that I don't want to forget as what happened in 'early summer'. 

1. We got away on a country getaway (that post back here

2. The fence got painted. (we usually have to do the fence every 5 or so years) The scraping of the old paint takes the longest. We estimated about 28 hours total. But it was so nice to be outside in our backyard and to be together. And it all looks so pretty right now. 

Here's the before: 

Here's the during: 

And here's the after: 

3. Gutters cleared out

4. Planned and planned and planned a graduation party for Anna (that is supposed to be tomorrow with a rain date on Saturday) 

5. We started up our 'reading on the couch after lunch'. This is something I've been doing with the girls forever. Really, forever. When Abigail was a baby, I'd put her down for a nap, and during those nap times Anna and I would cuddle in my bedroom. She'd "read" her Fancy Nancy books. I can almost her her 'storytelling' by looking at the pictures - and I'd read my book. Started way back then and has been every summer since. We plow through books in the summer. 

6. Abigail has been crafting and even had a friend over to dance, craft, and talk! 

7. Anna started working. It's just two days a week, thank goodness, because I need this time with her before the fall. But it's perfect! 

8. Lots of appointments for Abigail - we are going through a lot with her lack of growth. (more to come on that later as things unfold) 

9. We donated our playscape to a family down the street with two boys. Although I thought it would be sad to see it go, it's okay. The backyard looks so opened up now and I love this new stage/age with my girls. There is good in every part of life. 

10. Playing - still, not quite as much as they used to do - but it's music to my ears when I hear this in the playroom. 

11. This was the first day of summer. I wanted to stay home and rearrange tea cups (or something like that) but this was Abigail's birthday present. And it was fun! 

It feels good to have this summer life back again. We are not tired. And that feels amazing. All four of us are basically tired from September 1 - June 15. And then we reclaim our lives in the summer. And that is a good thing! 

Hope your beginning of summer is all you need it to be. 

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