Sunday, April 5, 2020


We had a good weekend - ya know, even though we had thoughts here and there with all that is going on -

My girls surprised me by coming down for church (live streamed from our church) with cute clothes on. Although the past few Sunday mornings we were all in cozy clothes on our couch for church - they felt like it just didn't feel the same - maybe they were tired of day after day after day of casual clothes - but either way, I had to take a quick picture after Mass was over.

We are doing a B I G project in our home - the family room - I'll share more about that as time goes on - but right now there is a lot of paint chips scraped off the walls and kind of a mess in there (you can kind of tell in the pictures) but it makes me oh so so so so happy because it's going to be beautiful when it's done!




While Scott was working on the family room, the girls helped me with a little part of the playroom. We were asked to send our principal a photo of our at home work space for fun - so I had to to spruce it up!

Here the girls are making little changes in the chapter book library.


And here is the final picture of my at home work space...

home work space blog sized

This is the view I have from where I do my google meets with my students - where I answer emails - all things teaching.

I thought {way back in the beginning} that we would all be in this space {the playroom} and I had it all set up... but since there are times that we are all on google meets at the same time, we've worked out a space that gives each of us room.

In my schedule each day I look forward to lunch with my girls and Scott - a read aloud - and a outside walk for some fresh air before I'm back to the playroom.

Here we goooooo week 4 home and week 3 of distance learning!

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