Tuesday, December 19, 2017

The Calm Before

I'm laughing as I look back at these pictures.

It's only Tuesday and it feels like I took these a month ago.

I took them on Sunday.

Since then....

I've taught for two whole days.  Fourth graders.  My darling classroom full of them.  Can I just say that two days to an elementary school teacher the week before Christmas feels like two WEEKS?  Yes it does.

They are doing the very best they can.  But they are excited.  Santa is coming soon.  Very soon.  And their teacher is doing her best too.  But she is tired.  Because Santa is coming soon.  Very soon.

I've prepared for another formal observation (tomorrow).  Got up at 3:30 am today to plan.

I've gone to Abigail's Irish Dance Christmas party.

Done the same amount of laundry and ironing as I did when I was home.

Kept the house spotless.


Made breakfasts, packed school lunches,

on and on and on.

So I'm doing the very best I can in school but I sure am overly tired.

And it's only Tuesday!

When I took these pictures I was in dream land.  I was just home from our lovely afternoon seeing Santa.  And we had all of Sunday home.  It was lovely.  So I did all of this.

And even though the moment I woke up on Monday morning the chaos started I am glad I lived in that Hyggee moment in my house.

Abigail set up our little mouse Christmas land.

sunday 1

sunday 2

And Anna painted something for me so that we could do a little project this week in school.

sunday 3

It took me 3 years to finally find non-allergic whipped cream for hot chocolate.

sunday 4

And I went around the house turning on my oils (my version of candles)  and got out all of the Christmas clothes so that we would be ready to go this week.

sunday 5

sunday 6

sunday 7

sunday 8

I ironed tablecloths.  I love having them out and ready to go.

sunday 9

sunday 10

sunday 11

She's rehearsing for an audition on Thursday.

sunday 12

And then we baked.

sunday 13

About a thousand of these. (and frosted)

sunday 14

They hook on to the mug.

sunday 15

I don't want the week to go by quickly.  I want it to last and last.  But I sure wish I had a few more hours in the day!

1 comment:

  1. I,love the cute Christmas mug cookiesmyou made. I can't believe that Christmas is only five days away. I feel as though I am so behin this year and I only work part time.
    Enjoy the rest of your week!
