But it's still Christmas in our little Connecticut Colonial.
Still twinkle lights.
Still candles in the window.
Still mantles and windowsills.
Still ornaments on the trees.
Still presents in pretty little piles here and there.
Still girls playing and discovering new toys.
Still music playing.
Still cookies nibbled on.
Still little scenes and vignettes all around.
It's still Christmas here.
I know that this cocoon that we're living in this week will come to an end.
But not yet. I hang on to the very last that I can.
Of Christmas joy.
Of Christmas magic.
Of Christmas celebration.
I din't take the amount of photos (back to the classroom) and it seems like I didn't take any at night when it's the most twinkly in here. But here is a quick Christmas house tour in case you'd like to stop by.
Let's start in the Dining Room. (here's the story of her newness to us)

Little paper houses make me happy.

For the cut of wood, the beveled glass, swoon.

A little sparkle up above.

The Family Room is where we gather to relax.

It has a storybook theme and is best when there are drifts of snow up past the windows.

My mantle had new greens that I loved and were sweeping and dramatic. Lots of heaviness and almost too much, which was exactly the look I was going for.

Little woodland friends up on the mantle celebrating Christmas.

Little treasures tucked inside nooks and crannies. I started collecting Little Golden Book Christmas books and love this new (old) one I found... Jingle Bells!

I'll never forget when Abigail opened this book one Christmas morning years ago.

Christmas books in the bookcases. Toot and Puddle... swoon!
The Sweet Smells of Christmas was mine when I was a little girl. I can still hear my own Mom reading it to me. I wanted to be that mama bear (baking an apple pie, wearing an apron) when I grew up. Sweet seeds were planted way back then.

Duck and Goose was a favorite of toddler Abigail's. I can't tell you how many times I read that book.

Miniature Emma Bridgewater tea cups mark the stockings.

I used all felt plaid in the mantle greens and on the tree this year. And found this lovely stained glass plaid star for the top of the tree.

I added a few new

that looks cozy in the felt playsets.

Our Kitchen hardly looks like these photos I took. Hardly ever. Because we are always preparing a meal, serving a meal, or cleaning up a meal. But I love decorating it for Christmas. I the past I had a lot more out on the counters. I've found over the years that the less I have, the better for all that cooking.

Scott bought me that sweet little tree in a beautiful shop on our Christmas Getaway Weekend.

My Beatrix Potter above my kitchen sink

With simple greens and shiny red bells.

Gingerbread and memories of cooking and sweet smells on my kitchen tree.

This place setting hangs in the kitchen all year.

I am for sure a winter girl... I can see it in my Emma Bridgewater mugs. I just think a winter scene is the prettiest thing ever.

Adore this new one in their Christmas collection.

I like little things that make my Christmas heart happy during the season. Found this little holly pitcher at an antique store. I saw her across the room and said, "she's mine!" out loud, alone.

I like these dishes out and ready to use for each meal.

On to the Living Room

While the Family Room is playful and storybook and woodland and childhood magical... I try to have the Living Room elegant and classic Christmas.

Lots of brass and shiny glass.

Hardcover books with pretty red spines

Christmas stories just waiting for vacation week.

Like all rooms in December this is dressed its best when there is snow stuck to the windows.

The moment I opened their 4 year old handprints from preschool I knew they would be on my Christmas mantle forever.

Raddko ornaments.

Framed first Christmases.

Snow Snow Snow is the very best decoration of all for Christmas. There have been a few Christmases that there hasn't been white on the ground. So we are especially grateful for a white Christmas. Everything is more magical with snow.

You'll have to trust me on upstairs. Picture reindeer flannel sheets, winter scene sheets on mama and daddys bed, shelves in the girls rooms with little treasures they love.
Best of all, it's all still up. And we had more white after all of that snow. I'm giddy to be home and leaving the house only for a mandatory appointment here and there. How could I possibly leave all that coziness?
Wishing you all a wonderful week.