Friday, July 14, 2023

Ordinary Days are the Best Days

I've been home from traveling for a whole week (M-F) and it had felt wonnnnnderful I tell you, just wonderful. 

I love traveling and exploring and summertime is the really the only time that our teaching family can get away so much and see the things that we really want to so we have to fit it in the summer. 

But my heart loves home and making this place comfy cozy is one of my favorite things in the world. So this past week has filled me up to the core. 

I've been back to drinking my homemade green juice, overnight oats, salad for lunch, sensible dinners, and that feels amazing as well! 

I've also been back to fluffing, decorating, organizing, and even dreaming about how I want to decorate for the fall. 

But mostly my summer days consist of: 

6am (yeah, not 5 am like the school year) green juice, strength, cardio, abs, helping Anna get out the door (gosh! I wish I took a few pictures of her this week, she looked adorable every day going off to her summer job that she loves so much), breakfast

7:30 Rosary and morning prayer, shower and ready for the day

8:30 breakfast for Abigail 

Then we spend our morning at home. (Anna has my car and I actually love it to pieces because I am home!) So all morning I do home things. Abigail practices viola and relaxes. 

12:45 Anna gets home and we all have lunch together then we read on the couch 

In the afternoon I finish up some things around the house and then Scott is home... yeah! 

Our evenings are simple and lovely. Most of the time we just talk, talk, talk after dinner until it's late. Usually out of the porch. Then it's showers and off to bed. Nothing beats all going to bed at the same time. I love tucking my girls in and giving them hugs and kisses. During the school year of course Anna is away at college and Abigail is always up late with Scott doing homework, so summertime is a real treat for this mama. 

Yes, simple days are the best days and I'm loving every one of them so much. 

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