Tuesday, July 18, 2023

I Could Never Get Tired of This

A thunderstorm rolled in this afternoon. It got dark and windy. We were reading and all I noticed was I needed to turn on the lights. But then it started pouring. (best day ever) And I noticed this

and it's true. In forever I could never get tired of seeing this. 

Yesterday I ran into a student from this year while shopping with Abigail. I was so excited to see her (it's hard to go from seeing them every single day all day to not at all). I hugged and hugged her and we chatted. And her Mom said to Abigail something like "your Mom is a great teacher. She really got Sia to read!" And Abigail said, "yeah, that's her thing." 

So true. It's my thing. 

And I'll always love an afternoon reading.  

1 comment:

  1. I'm an English teacher here in Europe, so I LOVE this :). Books are one of the best things in life.
