Monday, December 20, 2021

Memories of Christmas

 The best *decorations* are the homemade ones, the ones with memories attached.

There are four golden handprints that line my mantle. And every year when Scott snuggles them in the garland I say a little prayer that they will never ever break.

One when Anna was three, One when Abigail was three.

One when Anna was four, One when Abigail was was four.

And honestly, I've already have a few ideas in my mind for changes for next year (yes, I get ideas for next year now), but these handprints they will always be on my mantle.

Do you ever think about going back in time and having a Christmas over again? Sometimes I wish I could be eight and walking down in the stairs in my childhood home to stockings with big brothers. Or there was that magical Christmas when Anna was three and I was pregnant with Abigail.

But truth be told, this is the Christmas I want. This one.

The one with lessons learned, a more tender heart, and this precious family I adore.

But I will always cherish these sweet little hands.

Photo Description: Nestled in the garland and ribbon, right up against the brass candle stick is a teeny tiny hand print.

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