Thursday, July 30, 2020

Steady Love

Happy Anniversary, my sweet prince. For twenty four years, my Scott has been my husband, and I, his bride❣️ I love this picture for so many reasons, because it represents what he has always been to me.


Steady love. πŸ’—

He loves me from a completely true and loyal heart. ❤️ He has always believed in ME and my strengths, without reminding me of my weaknesses.
He thinks I'm smart and beautiful, and tells me so. Which is so sweet, when I can't see it.
His soul is filled with goodness, and faith. He prays and reads the Bible every morning. πŸ’—

He believes in the magic of love, imagination, Christmas, and children, and all the joy in the world. 🌎

He is a loving father and his daddy loyalty is unwavering. He fights for his daughters and never gives up on them. He has been to more doctor appointments, counsel appointments, school meetings more than anyone should have to.
He is kind and genuine. His needs are simple, and his family is everything to him. Steady love. πŸ’—

His work ethic at home and at his school is immeasurable. He is inspiring to teachers in his school and respected in the town.
Our dream home is 19 years of his hard work, every weekend- painting, putting in floors, planting trees, tiling bathrooms. All him.
My dream of staying home for 13 years he made happen - He budgeted and re budgeted and made it work. And then he was the one that encouraged me to bring my light and love for children back to the classroom. Without him I would have been too terrified. He is the first to jump over to my school and my classroom to hang something, move furniture - he'll do anything when I have an idea in my head. All for me and the love of education, the children. πŸ’—

And when I'm anxious, he is there. Always. To comfort. To aid. To love. πŸ’ž

He does all this behind the scenes. Which is exactly what this picture reflects. No matter what the world is outside. Every night, I get to come home to this.
My own St. Joseph. My protector. My handsome man that loves me. That knows me. That believes in my silly ideas.
I absolutely would not be who I am today, without his steady love. Yes, steady love. ❤️
And as unsteady as the world is, marriage can be, health can be. The most important blessing that God can give us is unconditional love, like His.
If you have that love, like I do. Be grateful. If you don't, then don't settle.
Everyone deserves to be loved. Perfectly. For all that you are, with a wonderful steady love. Always and forever. ❤️ Thanks be to God, for letting me see this lovely boy in our high school cafeteria line way back in 1989.

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