Friday, September 13, 2024

Fall Home Tour ~ Our Family Room

A peek into our fall dining room is back here. I just love the way the dining room turned out with all of those calico pumpkins and all of those pretty dishes. 

And I had just as much fun decorating our family room. I made it as cozy as possible - the perfect place to read a book. 

A few favorite things I love about this room - the sky lights, the low, long windows that look out onto the back yard and all of those green trees - and of course the fireplace! 

Still in love with this beautiful antique mirror we found a few years ago. 

Some of my favorite finds. The wheat tied with antique ribbon. I found both at an antique store near Anna's college. 

These glittery pumpkins I've had since I was a young bride! 

This vase is a new antique find! Just last weekend I came across it at - you guessed it, an antique store! Oh the color! 

This book, published in 1932, I've always wanted to read it. Gladys Taber writes about it in her books that I've read. It's written as a field diary - the author living in Southbury Connecticut on a farm. It's delightful to read about farms in Connecticut so long ago! 

Oh the colors in this quilt!

And that's it for our family room! On to take a few pictures of our living room just as soon as I can. 

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Mr. Lee

We met Mr. Lee when Anna was just five years old. 

(Here is a post from way back with one of the first pictures I took of them) 

It was her second year of taking viola lessons with the Suzuki method. At first she was terrified of him. She stood ten feet away from him as he patiently taught her the viola and even more patiently waited for Anna to trust him. 

Well, she did. Thousands of hours together she more than just trusted him, she found him a friend, a confidant, a figure in her life who seemed to have just the right wisdom for just the right moment. 

I asked Lee to write in Anna's high school graduation book because I knew it would be the most important letter in there. (I wrote about it back here

It's been over three years since she opened that book and read his letter, and even more years since she had her last lesson with Lee. But recently, with a lot on her mind, at a crossroad of decisions, after talking to Scott and I she just wanted one more bit of wisdom, and she knew where to turn. 

She emailed him spilling out her feelings and thoughts, asking for his advice. And of course he wrote back, with more wisdom than I could ever give her too close to the situation. He knew just what to say and changed her perspective. He suggested they get together and they did this summer, for ice cream and a two hour chat. 

I feel so grateful for people in my daughter's lives -- people they can count on for words of encouragement, showing them a different way to look at things, someone to listen to their heart. And for Anna that is certainly found in Lee. 

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Walks with Mommy ~ a guest post from Anna

The post I wrote yesterday (back here) was all about going on a million walks with Anna this summer and having a million hours together. I remember one evening we were talking and she made some really wonderful faith filled statements. So I asked her to hop on the computer and type what we had talked about -- a little 'guest post' and she did! I think she might have written this sometime early in August.

From Anna: 

College has been great. I just got back from studying abroad in Beijing, China. I love my major and I love my school. But having all these classes means I spend a lot of time sitting and studying. So this summer, my mommy and I have been taking power walks to get fit and healthy. It hasn't been easy because Mommy walks fast and won't stop if I get a cramp. But it's been great bonding time and we've had a lot of time to chat. On our walk tonight, the topic of college and why I picked Holy Cross came up.

When I look back on why I chose Holy Cross instead of any other school, I know it was God. Back when I was looking at schools, I had my heart set on a different school. Also in Massachusets but not Holy Cross. I thought Holy Cross was going to be full of religious zealists but when I took a virtual tour (because of covid), I found the school to be really warm and welcoming with a strong sense of community. The tight-knit community seemed nice but I still wasn't fully convinced even though my mother was really enthusiastic about Holy Cross. 

One night, my parents told me to write down my top college choice and bring it to dinner. I had been leaning towards a different school but after a virtual tour, I thought the school seemed a little cold. That school made it seem like I would be lucky to get in but Holy Cross made it seem like they would feel lucky to have me. I didn't even need to stay for the whole virtual tour. Suddenly, I had a change of heart and when I came down for dinner, I had written Holy Cross. 

Looking back, sometimes I tried to make a path for myself across this river of life. I could see all the stones I would jump across and I could probably make it. But then it was like God tapped me on the shoulder and told me to look the other way. And he said, "look. I made you a bridge." 

After God showed me the bridge, I lost interest in my original plan. This coming school year is a year of big decisions. Abigail is deciding which college she will spend the next four years of her life at. I'm looking into my next steps. We're both making big choices for our future and it can be daunting at times. I tried to plan my future out once again but maybe I should just relax. Because every time, God makes me a bridge.

Now it's up to me to walk across that bridge and trust in where he's taking me. 

Monday, September 9, 2024


I was thinking about why over the years I've done these posts called "Weekending". There are so many of them, and a few reasons really: 

1. I think that when I know I'll be posting about the weekend, it forces me to look at the weekend and take pictures of regular moments that I wouldn't normally. 

2. It romanticizes the weekend. I might take a picture of Abigail doing homework outside on the screened-in porch with an oversized sweatshirt and cozy socks on but really when I look back at the picture either as I'm posting it or years later I think thoughts like, "oh that's beautiful" "that was our life" "look how cozy the day really was"

3. Sometimes (well lots of times during the school year) the weekend might 'FEEL' hectic, full, and too short. But then I look at my pictures and I think, "no, it's exactly what we needed -- rest, cozy, happy" I get to 'see' the beauty even if it 'felt' like the to do list was too long for just two days. 

And a side note: Sometimes when I choose to share certain photos I leave out other memories. And I just want to be the one to say that our weekends are not free from difficulties. Currently we have health issues that we are working through, there are worries for our daughters, things we just can't seem to get done in our home... on and on. I suppose that's another reason why I love these post. They remind me that in the midst of challenge we can still take the time to sip a cup of tea after Mass, notice how adorable Abigail looked all cozy doing homework on the porch, and just how beautiful apple pumpkin soup looked simmering on my stove on a rainy Saturday night. 

So on to this weekend. I didn't remember to take my camera out until Sunday but still I want to remember a few things. 

Baking and Simmering 

I try to get as prepped as I can for the week ahead. I make a lot and freeze a ton! These are my oatmeal, no sugar applesauce, no sugar muffins. I have one each day with my huge salad at school. So the next 12 days of school are ready to go! 

This banana bread is not sugar free {although I'd like to experiment with the recipe just a bit} {and I only use whole wheat}. I make this for Abigail - a small slice to go with her thermos or with her eggs in the morning.

Abigail requested this soup again. It goes great with sourdough bread and packs up beautifully in a thermos for her school lunch. 


She's off to a great start this senior year. Basically, if she's not in viola she's doing homework. 


Viola tour group and Opus orchestra started on Saturday morning. She came home beaming that she's first chair! 


We were feeling a bit stressed on Saturday morning (read above - we are not free from challenges) and there were even a few tears but we decided that we wanted to do "something fall" even if it was only 10 minutes away and only for a bit. ANYTHING to get a little bit of fall in us each weekend. Scott suggested an adorable farm stand. We could pick up some fruit and fresh veggies for the week and I could walk on creaky old wood floors and look at baked goods and apple pies all lined up on shelves. It was just what we needed. 


I had to return some library books that I had in my classroom and I popped into a local, tiny, lovely thrift store and found these treasures. I love this basket for the top of my china cabinet in the dining room. And oh this vase (I need some white hydrangeas)! I've always keep my eye out for a brass vase. 

Not pictured: 

🍎missing Anna but talking to her a bunch

🍎going to 8am Mass which felt more peaceful and lovely

🍎popping into my classroom (all of us) so I could hang some things - I am so excited about a bunch of things in my room this year (I'll take pictures as soon as I can) 


Other weekend posts you might like: 

A weekend  in 2021

A weekend in 2020

A weekend in 2017

A weekend in 2016

A weekend in 2015

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Walks With Anna

This summer Anna and I went on a 3 mile power walk every single night after dinner. The only nights we didn't go were rainy nights and she worked out on our home gym. She literally never took a day off of working out the whole summer. 

She kept track of each and every workout with details in her planner. (and since going back to college loves the gym there!) 

This summer when we traveled we even worked out in the hotel gym or outside if we could! 

That in of itself was wonderful. I literally watched her get healthy right before my eyes. 

But the bonus were the hours and hours and hours we spent outside, just us, just talking. Hours.

Looking back what started as a mom working to and helping her daughter in the area of fitness turned out to be such a blessing of friendship, discipleship, mentoring, loving, and reminiscing. 

I am so grateful.  

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Fall Home Tour ~ Our Dining Room

It's time to start my fall home tour.  🍂 I'm going to show you just our dining room today and other rooms as I take pictures. This was the first room I decorated for this season mostly because I love all of the sweet, warm, natural wood in this room. It waits for autumn all year long. 

We bought this Hitchcock set years ago from someone that restores them. I've talked about Hitchcock so much on this blog. 

Here's a post of the town that housed the factory all those years ago when it first started. 
Here's a post from 2017 when we bought it. 

The Hitchcock furniture company opened in 1818 in Riverton, Connecticut - then called Hitchcockville, Conn. It was the fancy chair crazy in the 1800's. Now all antiques and quite sought after pieces. I love the history of these pieces. I love that they were made right her in Connecticut. I love that for this New Englander, they are perfect for our home. 

So when fall rolls around, it gives me a chance to just enjoy these beautiful pieces again. 

And because I love the furniture oh so much I don't want it all overwhelmed with too much in that room as far as decorations. So I've kept it simple and sweet. 

Another very special part of that room is our wedding china we picked out when we were 21 years old, registered for it and opened it all after our wedding. I knew way back then what I loved. Still do. It 'matches' this room, the table and everything perfectly. 

These calico pumpkins are perfect in our dining room. I love the colors and how the are a simple touch to the natural colors in this room. 

And oh! The moment I saw this china coffee pot, teapot, creamer, and sugar bowl I knew I couldn't wait to put it in our dining room for the fall. Just look at the golds, the fruit and nuts... I adore it so much! 

Sometimes for the season I like to have the table all set. It gives me something to look forward to -- perhaps a special dinner when Anna comes home for fall break... 

It can sure be a challenge to make this room work for Easter and springtime but my goodness, autumn it's in it's glory! 

Oh one more part! The built in china cabinet is painted blue with another set of dishes I love so much! And pumpkins and those little pies make it adorable!


Thursday, September 5, 2024

Before the Flowers Fade

It's already September and so quickly it will be full on fall. I love it! But I will miss all of our summer flowers. Last weekend I was outside and just with my phone took a few videos. And although it's not very interesting to anyone here who clicks on this... it's for me... so I don't forget the blossoms of summer.