Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Early September Weekending

 apple picking (more coming soon) 

mass ~ing ("see you at the Mass" is explained here) Anna sent me this text and I adore it. We were in our 'regular pew' and she was in hers... just a state away. 

Working ~ little something new in my classroom 


It was so much fun to make two recipes from this 'new to me' cookbook. I have an obsession's with fall cookbooks... I really shouldn't buy another for the rest of my life. But this one was too cute to pass up. Good news is that the first two I tried were a hit! We enjoyed bowls of pumpkin apple soup (added chicken) and honey-wheat bread while watching You've' Got Mail for the fall vibes. 

Decorating ~ I finished decorating (mostly) our house for a cozy few months. I'll post so much more when I can.

Not pictured: I scratched out a huge list on Friday night after I got home from my school. I had SO much in my head - so much I was behind on after 'opening up' my classroom, Scott 'opening up' his school, getting Anna settled back in college, and getting Abigail into her senior year. 
  • blogging (I was so behind - feels good to be getting caught up)
  • editing pictures
  • my September planner - all made and ready to go
  • a calendar family meeting so we're all in sync
  • packed away all of my summer strawberry decor
  • cleaned out my closet
Wishing you all a wonderful short week! 

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