Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Walks with Mommy ~ a guest post from Anna

The post I wrote yesterday (back here) was all about going on a million walks with Anna this summer and having a million hours together. I remember one evening we were talking and she made some really wonderful faith filled statements. So I asked her to hop on the computer and type what we had talked about -- a little 'guest post' and she did! I think she might have written this sometime early in August.

From Anna: 

College has been great. I just got back from studying abroad in Beijing, China. I love my major and I love my school. But having all these classes means I spend a lot of time sitting and studying. So this summer, my mommy and I have been taking power walks to get fit and healthy. It hasn't been easy because Mommy walks fast and won't stop if I get a cramp. But it's been great bonding time and we've had a lot of time to chat. On our walk tonight, the topic of college and why I picked Holy Cross came up.

When I look back on why I chose Holy Cross instead of any other school, I know it was God. Back when I was looking at schools, I had my heart set on a different school. Also in Massachusets but not Holy Cross. I thought Holy Cross was going to be full of religious zealists but when I took a virtual tour (because of covid), I found the school to be really warm and welcoming with a strong sense of community. The tight-knit community seemed nice but I still wasn't fully convinced even though my mother was really enthusiastic about Holy Cross. 

One night, my parents told me to write down my top college choice and bring it to dinner. I had been leaning towards a different school but after a virtual tour, I thought the school seemed a little cold. That school made it seem like I would be lucky to get in but Holy Cross made it seem like they would feel lucky to have me. I didn't even need to stay for the whole virtual tour. Suddenly, I had a change of heart and when I came down for dinner, I had written Holy Cross. 

Looking back, sometimes I tried to make a path for myself across this river of life. I could see all the stones I would jump across and I could probably make it. But then it was like God tapped me on the shoulder and told me to look the other way. And he said, "look. I made you a bridge." 

After God showed me the bridge, I lost interest in my original plan. This coming school year is a year of big decisions. Abigail is deciding which college she will spend the next four years of her life at. I'm looking into my next steps. We're both making big choices for our future and it can be daunting at times. I tried to plan my future out once again but maybe I should just relax. Because every time, God makes me a bridge.

Now it's up to me to walk across that bridge and trust in where he's taking me. 

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