Thursday, March 19, 2015

Date Night

He told me he was turning up the heat to like 80 in our family room (with the fireplace.. we have an extreme heating fireplace).  And he told me to wear something Hawaiian.  What?  It's freezing out.  You want me to change into a skirt?  But I did and it was worth it!


We had Hawaiian drinks


And he made Coconut chicken as an appetizer

Followed by Hawaiian sweet rolls and then this


It was so much fun... my favorite kind of date... at home with our girls upstairs sleeping.

~ Tonight I'm thinking about how very blessed I am.  Scott.  He'll do anything for me.  For this family.  Little things.  Errands.  Late at night for crazy things like a new shampoo I wanted to try to help with my skin.  Big things.  Like talking to Abigail's teacher for an hour about her in school.  He's been helping me so much at home lately.  Even thought I don't want the help.  I love my home and my family and the work that it provides.  It's good work, and it makes me happy to do it.  But I've taken on more hours teaching and he's been such an emotional support for me.  And some other things I'm going through lately.  He's there.  I want to remember.  He prays for me and with me each night; every single night for some of the struggles I've been walking through lately.  He is the go to homework daddy for our middle school girl.  He cuddles with Abigail and then prays over me.  I want to remember this time and all of the times in my life when he's been amazing.


  1. He is amazing.
    You are amazing.
    And you two together?
    Not to mention adorable. : )

  2. What a sweet and amazing man you have in your life!

  3. He sounds like a wonderful husband and dad..such a blessed family to have kne another.
    Your date night sounds so fun!
