Monday, March 10, 2025

Meet Me At Church

I've posted about this before:

I'll See you In the Mass (explained here

Tonight this text came across my phone -- a picture and the text, "meet me at church".

And it took my breath away. 

It reminded me of the verse, 

Train up a child the way they should go, 

and when they are old they will not depart from it. ~ Proverbs 22:6 

Recently we've had a lot going on as a little family of 4. There are huge, big, life changing decisions to be made with obstacles in the way, lots of opportunities, and more. It is wonderful to see my girls wrestle with all of these choices. Having choices and being at a crossroads like this is a gift, truly. But it is a lot. 

When Anna was home on spring break last week we went to our local church just to pray for a while. I've always taught my girls that going into that holy place will always be a good and wise choice. Coming into the presence of the eucharist and Christ is the place to make decisions, pour your heart out to God, and humble yourself in His presence. 

So when this picture came across my phone it filled my heart oh so much. 

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