Monday, January 8, 2024

Adventures In China

It's hard to fathom that while life is going on around here Anna is on an adventure in China. 

If you need to read from the start it's back here and here

Here we are 'business as usual' - days filled with getting up early, teaching/principaling/studenting and full afternoons and evenings too. 

And on the other side of the world while we are going about our day Anna is sleeping. And while we are sleeping, Anna is going about her day. (13 hours difference) 

Well one of those days Anna went to the Great Wall of China. (a little more information here)  Now that is exciting! 

I am so proud of this daughter for answering the call to return to her homeland - to learn fluently the language, the culture, the people, and the land. We truly are just beaming over here. 


  1. How exciting for Anna! She looks so happy :) it's wonderful to see.

  2. Anna is radiating pure joy! This is such an exciting time for her...and all of you.
