Thursday, January 4, 2024

Gratitude for a Bubble of Love for Anna - her arrival in China

We are back in the full swing of life here: teaching, principaling, studenting. Life sure is full! Christmas seems like a long time ago. I am grateful for the 'clean slate' of a tidy (but feels empty) house, the regular routine (even though 5am is tough), and all of the things we fit into our day. 

Anna was been gone for over a week now and I am sure grateful that she is doing so amazing. She had a little sickness but is better now. There is so much for a body to get used to in a different country. Her studies are challenging and she is finding her way on the subway, in the city of Beijing, with new classmates and teachers - truly doing so well! 

I want to keep some of the pictures she sends us (so grateful for WeChat) on this blog so that they are a record of her growth. So, a few pictures and then my thoughts at the end of this post. 

Love how she watched a Christmas movie on the plane ♥

And recorded every part of the journey... 

She was on one flight from JFK to Hong Kong for 16 hours and saw night, sunrise, a whole day... 

And then she landed in Hong Kong with a small layover and then another 5 hour flight. 
I am so proud of her for doing this all by herself! 

On our tracking app we have a family -- love that it showed her in China! 

She's had some interesting food and some wonderful food. She loves different kinds of food so really she's been loving this whole part of the journey! 

The whole group and teachers made dumplings! 

This looked so good! 

And they were taken to a fancy banquet one night -- she adored this! 

I love that she's willing to try all of the food. 

Even when she doesn't even know what it is. 

And this made us all smile because it looks exactly like something she'd make herself at home. She was always cooking an egg and serving it on rice. 

But mostly I'm grateful for friendship and having fun! 

For saying yes and taking a subway to the Chinese mall and spending a whole day with classmates and having fun. 

And for noticing beauty all around her in that beautiful city... 

So yes, one full week living in China! 

How I hope as my girl adjusts to her new "home away from home" this week that she continues to say many more "yeses" to those who are in her bubble over there. 

How I hope she is seeing God's love for her - how his magnificent plan is "working out for good, those who love the Lord". Romans 8:28  And how He is the ultimate bubble of love that is watching over her. 

How even when it might get frustrating and hard on this journey learning Chinese and only speaking Chinese and everything is new and different, God is with her. 

How I hope she is feeling another bubble of love from home, her family that is praying for her every day.


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