Monday, June 17, 2024

Anna's Welcome Home and Presentation

On December 27, 2023 Anna left to study abroad in Beijing China for over 5 months! (that post is back here) When she left there were Christmas trees still up, Christmas wrapping paper on the floor, presents in piles here and there, stockings emptied but not put away. 

When she left it was dark by 4:00 PM  and oh so cold! 

And 5 months went by: 





It was long but then as it seems to be every year... all of a sudden it was sunshine later, and warmer, and then like a burst of sunshine herself, Anna was home. 

That was on June first (post back herepost back here

And boy oh boy we soaked her up when she got home... all 4 of us... every moment that we could.

We were oh so proud of her for what she did and what she accomplished too.

  • She went from knowing Mandarin (studied in high school and college) to speaking fluently
  • She learned how to adapt and live in a new culture
  • She opened a bank account, dealt with no wifi, and more technology pieces that I could even type about
  • She learned to make wonderful friends from people that were strangers -- from all around the country
  • She ate all new food that was unfamiliar for 5 months
  • She excelled in her studies
  • She traveled to her birth country and faced so much that was on her heart
Most of all are so proud of her for walking out God's plan for her life - for listening to His leading about a year ago when all of this began to stir in her heart. And she did it! She just plain did it! 

So when she got home we decided that she just had to do a presentation to share with family.

She wore a traditional Chinese dress that she brought home.  

She prepared a slide show and we would gather in our family room after dinner. 

First a few pictures of our daughter in the sunlight, finally home. 


We had Chinese food of course. 

And then her presentation began. I was so proud of her and hung onto every detail. 

Loved watching her sister from across the room smiling 

There were lots of great questions and Anna explained things in such a beautiful way. 

My heart swelled up with love for my girl and all she put together. Oh so proud of her! 

I captured some of her speaking in Mandarin which was so lovely. 

Way to go Anna! I can't wait to see what you do next! 

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