Tuesday, October 15, 2019

A Delicious Homemade Pumpkin Latte

brunch 8

First fire in the fireplace

brunch 1

A little October gift for guests

brunch 2

We have the most amazing bagel store near our house

brunch 3

Whenever we have kids (including teens) over for brunch - besides all of the yummy brunch type food (bacon, quiche, french toast) I love to have out these little boxes of cereal - so fun!

brunch 4

I served apple crisp tea.

brunch 5

And a new recipe - I love to make a yummy, seasonal hot beverage: this was the pumpkin spice latte and you've GOT to make one! Fall in a cup!

brunch 9

1. Mix together 2 heaping tablespoons of canned pumpkin, 1 tablespoon of brown sugar, 1 teaspoon vanilla, 1/2 teaspoon pumpkin pie spice.

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2. Into each large mug put the mixed pumpkin mix (above) I like to heat the mugs first with boiling water and then dump the water out. Heating the mugs makes all the difference.

brunch 7

3. Fill the mug halfway with coffee.

4. Fill to the top with hot milk, whisk.

5. Top with whipped cream and a sprinkle of nutmeg.

brunch 9


  1. Your home looks so perfectly cozy and the latte sounds delicious!

  2. Are those little felt pumpkins in the first picture?
    The latte sounds delicious. It's finally cooling off here and I think this will be perfect it make this weekend with breakfast.
