Saturday, May 2, 2015


I'm a Monday through Friday blogger but I'm breaking my own rules today. I just have to blog today and remember, remember, remember what I felt.

I need to start by saying I love our church. Love our parish. I love being Catholic with ever fiber of my being.

Today was a very special day. And it was also the most beautiful Mass (yes, I say that a lot) ever. Today was not Abigail's First Communion. That is next weekend. It was her First Communion Retreat Day. And it was wonderful.

Can I just start with my favorite photo of the day. The end of Mass and she is processing out with the cross. Be. Still. My. Heart.


Now, we started at 9 am... I didn't take many pictures because I was on kitchen duty. And it was so much fun being with all of those Moms. I had such a fun day! While I was doing that Abigail was going from station to station. She learned about how and why Jesus broke the bread. And then they made bread.


She learned about the parts of the Mass.


She shared her banner for First Communion (I'll have to take a picture of that next weekend... just couldn't today) and then made one little part of the alter cloth for next weekend.


The children had snacks and lunch and more snacks.


They sang and learned new songs for the Mass today and for their First Communion Mass next weekend.

(she was REALLY into the singing)

And then the 4:00 Mass today... it was breathtaking. I never want to forget...

~all of the (next weekend) First Communion children on the alter during the Eucharistic prayer

~listening to them singing "You are the vine, we are the branches... keep us abiding in you..."


~and then parents were asked to lay hands on their child's head. And thank God for the gift of their child. It was silent, and powerful, and oh I cried.

~and then Abigail had to hands on Scott and I while she prayed a prayer of thanksgiving and blessing for us.

6 collage

7 collage

At the end of Mass we all went over to the Franciscan Center for a Potluck dinner and indoor picnic.

This is my daughter and this is my Goddaughter. I love them both so much.


My baby just had her last Mass not receiving... and we are so excited for her. Next weekend she will 'come to the table of the Lord'



  1. So excited for Abigail! What a beautiful Catholic church. I will keep all of you in my prayers this week as Abigail prepares to make her First Holy Communion.

  2. Yes yesterday day along with next Saturday is a day you want to remember forever. I still have memories of my first is a big day in the Catholic Church. I will be praying for all of you as you prepare for next saturday❤️

  3. How exciting! We will keep you all in our prayers on this blessed occasion!

  4. So precious and what a big day that is going to be!
    Many Blessings,
