Thursday, August 9, 2012

"There's Proof" age nine screams from the woods

We're back from our short trip to Maine. And I think I'll start with one of the highlights. Scott found this cool fairy garden online before we went. It was on an island and so cool to drive over the bridge to a beautiful park surrounded by water.

We started off on a trail, the wrong one at first but quickly found our way to the right path. And about a mile into the woods along a beautiful path we found what we were looking for... proof.

2 walking with granpa

I think I'll always remember Anna screaming from the woods ahead of me, "there's proof" My nine year old adores and believes in.... REALLY believes in fairies and everything else told to her on the basis of faith. Oh, I love that about her. This was her reaction to seeing the fairy homes...

10 theres proof

I'll have to say also that my parents who went with us to Maine were quite the troopers. We had no idea that the hike through the woods would be so long. We didn't bring any water with us. They smiled and made it so much fun for our girls.

1 grandpa helps abigail

3 anna in woods

So after our hike to the fairy area we explored. It really was magical... better than Disney could ever be!

I love this one one Abigail holding onto my Dad's shorts.

8 holding on

This was a cool one!

4 abi peeking in

Somethings in there I think!

5 somethings in there

And I snapped away because this was the proof that Anna needed and always wanted!

6 a fairies house
I didn't notice the blue gem on top of this one until I saw the picture just now...

7 a blue gem on top

The one with the pine cone on top

9 the one with the pinecone on top

There were so many to see

11 looking up to see

And then Anna came across this path... stars created by shells.

12 star path

13 anna in the path

14 star path

A close up of a fairy house.

15 up close house

We came across this house. I guess it's for bigger fairies.

16 a house for bigger fairies

Scott, my Mom, and the girls took a walk down by the beach on our way back to the car. I love Anna in this one.

17 mom and anna on beach

And my Mom with Anna in this one.

18 mom and anna walking together

19 abi

20 girls on the beach

A happy first day of vacation for sure!

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