Thursday, April 6, 2023

Springtime at Home

I love to decorate for the seasons. In fact, there is nothing I love more (after my husband and girls of course) I believe that we are to take what and where God has us and make it the most beautiful we can.

Most of us don't live in our dream homes ~ that home that is perfect in every way. Most of us live in a home that was in the right place (the town we live in has the best schools in the state so we are here!) or the right price (we bought our home when we were wee baby teachers -- in other words way low on the salary scale) So much has changed for us since then. We had thirteen glorious years with me being a stay-at-home mama. (those were the lean years but forever the happiest of my life - and I'm grateful I knew it then - I used to tell my hubby every day, "I living the happiest days of my life") 

And now we are both teaching and not so low on the salary scale. We could move to a dreamy big house up the street but we are here so we can pay for every cent of our girls first four years of college. It's all about choices. 

Well gals, the point I'm trying to make is that not every room I am in love with. There are oh so many things I'd change if I could. (I bet there are still just as many changes I'd make even in one of those big dreamy homes up the street too though) But there are also oh so many things I adore about his house of ours: 

  • built in 1950, it has 'things' you just can't find in new construction and I love that it has a history ~ almost 75 Thanksgivings it's seen! That's a whole lotta Thanksgivings! 
  • It has two built in china cabinets ~ dreamy, wonderful, can't buy them because they were built by the builder way back before I was born. (in fact this house was already 23 years old on the day I was born
  • We have a big back yard with a huge field so lots and lots of room and back yard privacy
  • The molding, the staircase, the hardwood floors -- See! I could go on and on about this home
So what do you do when you find yourself in a home and you dream of a different one you'd rather decorate? Well, I've got the answer! It's simple: you take what God has given you and put all of your love, talent, and joy into it. And guess what? It becomes a home! 

Girls: Instead of looking at my kitchen 'wishing' for a change here or there, I take the time to make is clean, cozy, warm, inviting, and lov-e-ly ! Yes I do! 

In our kitchen I love to create a old-time vintage look. Charming. All decorated for the seasons. This is our spring kitchen. Not just Easter, but spring. 

I actually started working on how I wanted it to look in January. Once the holidays are over I don't decorate for winter -- nope! I jump right into spring. 

So how do I decorate? Well, here's a simple list that might help you if you're looking for a 'redo' (decorating that is) And it works for any season -- yup! That same list for all of the seasons! Here is what I do:

One: I pick a color theme of yellow and green. Cheery, don't ya think?! I sure do! How do I pick? Well, usually I've 'fallen in love' with something in my home or something that I've usually found for $2 at a thrift store and I go from there. It could be a teacup or a dishtowel anything that strikes my fancy! This year it was yellow and green. 

How perfect is this? I turned the page and April was all yellow and green!! 

Two: Next thing I do is shop my house! Yes, I look around every room and gather thinking: what is yellow, what do I have that is green? What is charming? What looks springtime to me? I pull from other rooms and from closets. It's a messy process... I try things for a few days, then try other things. I live with some bins out and disorganized closets. No need to stress, when it's all done I organize again! 

And without buying a thing (I vintage shop all year long so I have a lot to pull from) I am all springed up. 

Three: I work best when I have a clean slate. I take everything off the counters, give the cabinets a good scrub down. I clean out the pantry... and then I'm ready to decorate. No use decorating a messy or dirty kitchen!

Four: I know I work best with my "make home sweet" playlist. Yes, that is what I call my playlist. It has some songs from Oklahoma, 40's big band music, the 1991 film Little Women (just to name a few) 

Five: And sometimes a girls gotta have some 'home alone time'. If Abigail and Scott are out and about, well that's my time to really get it done. But honestly, I've never really ever alone so I also have to work around real life. 

Six: Try, move things, try again. 

Seven: I stay off of instagram (well that is easy because I gave it up for Lent and I haven't let my finger touch that button since Ash Wednesday) I'd rather look at a decorating book that sparks joy. I get overwhelmed with too many ideas sometimes I need to remember to decorate the way that makes my heart filled with joy -- not someone elses! 

The Bible says: "A merry heart does good like a medicine, but a broken spirit dries up the bones." (Proverbs 17:22) 
That is one of the main reasons I love to decorate for the seasons. It makes my home merry! And if that is a medicine, well then I'll take it! To be merry is to be cheerful (like my yellow and green kitchen), light-hearted (we could all use a little more of that, am I right!?), and joyful. And I believe that a festive atmosphere brings those feelings alive in our hearts. We all know that research says our environment effects our emotions and our emotions effect our health. So gosh golly, decorating and making our kitchen happy and festive no matter what time of year is important! 

Something else I think is important: Keeping our home clear of clutter as best I can. 

It's really hard to think straight and keep your joy when your home is in disorder! So when it gets a bit 'crowded' in here -- a few closets get messy or there is a pile here or there I've just gotta get to it as soon as I can. When it's clear of clutter I can think straight, have more focus, see things more clearly... you get the idea. 

What else works: 

I have prayer, devotions, and Bible time every day. This used to be first thing in the morning before I went back to being a classroom teacher. But since things have shifted, I've had to shift my schedule. Now prayer time is in the evening for me -- first thing after I've washed up and and am in my pajamas. 

I know I need that time. Oh boy if I miss it even for one itty bitty day, one of the first things I notice right away is a not best me: I get grumpy, grouchy, over stressed, overworked.... and that's not pretty. When I have my prayer time I feel focused, clear and my joy is in the Lord. 

So that's it for today-- with Easter coming soon I wish you all the happiest one. I sure hope to be on here a bit more often; no doubt I will take a lot of pictures on Easter day. 

Happiest spring everyone! 

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