Thursday, September 2, 2021

Back-To-School Blessing

Last night we had our annual Back-To-School Blessing dinner. (written last week)

There was so much going on this week - so much to fit in as Anna was leaving for college on Saturday at the end of the week. I knew it would be a stretch to get this in but we just h a d to! So we did. Among a middle school principal trying to get ready for opening his school and a fourth grade teacher trying to have her room all set and ready to go for her first day of school and getting Abigail all set for her first day of high school -- all at the same time! Phew! 

But we did it and as soon as we sank into those chairs that peaceful feeling came and we relaxed into what is annual for us and what is certainly an anchor and tradition for our family... our Back-to-School Blessing. 

We chose a meal that is a favorite of ours. We call it Pasta Bar. The sauce and pasta is made ahead of time and all of the 'options' are ready to go.

And then one at a time we all pick what we want in our past and we grill it all up together. (we all worked together on this) So so good!

I set the table pretty with one of my favorite vintage table cloths and flowers. 

I put their start all wrapped up on their place settings. 

We decided to have the girls open their stained glass stars first so they could see them in the pretty sunset light. 

And then we took a few pictures of how pretty they are.

After dinner and after stars it was time to settle in to our new Family Theme for the year. 

Scott and I picked the our Family Theme for the year and found scriptures to guide our discussion ahead of time. We were prepared and ready for lead our daughters into a new school year last night. 

But this year, after so many, something miraculous happened. 

I do need to say first that I had been praying lately to God, "did I do enough?" "does she have enough faith in her to live in a secular, not G rated world?" "were there enough devotion times?" "enough times in the Word of God?" on and on my thoughts raced. My thoughts. Remember that part. 

But after Scott and I began to share the theme and got into just one of our verses to explain, Anna dove into the discussion. 

She brought up other verses. Movies we'd recently seen and how that relates (Lord of the Rings). She talked about her own life experiences and how God has shown her these truths throughout her own days. 

Scott and I just sat back in awe and wonder. And we let her lead. 

Our Family Theme 2021-2022
Guard your Thoughts:
  • our thoughts are the forerunner for everything we do 
Proverbs 23:7
For as he thinks in his heart, so is he

  • What does it mean to think right? 
Romans 12:2
Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind;
Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is - his good, pleasing and perfect will 

  • and so we are transformed as our mind is renewed by the Word of God
  • Anna talked about the power the ring (in the Lord of the Rings) had on Froto and not on Sam and how that applies to these truths and our lives. If we're not guarding our hearts then we are like Froto. Those thoughts have the power to control us and before we know it we are not grateful for all God has done. 
  • We spoke about our theme and how it leads to not complaining - even in casual conversation this year. 
  • Anna spoke about her time in Solisit and how, by the end of the year even she began to take it for granted. (after working and even getting rejected through the audition process for years) and how we have to guard our thoughts and remember the big picture
  • Guarding our thoughts means we need to look back at all God has done and keep the AWE and wonder in our thoughts. 
John 8:44
... there is no truth in him. He is a liar, and the father of lies and of all that is false. 

  • Satan attacks us (like in battle - also back to the Lord of the Rings) 
  • But where does he attack us? in our thoughts, in our minds
  • he knows if he can get us to believe his lies we wont trust God. 
  • Anna talked about hos we need to take pride in our work and be humbled and even take pride in our struggles. 
  • When our thoughts weigh on us (like the ring weighed on Froto and not Sam) they can even leave a mark (like hos Froto wore the ring around his neck and it started to leave a mark). We have to guard our thoughts so that they don't get deep inside us and we actually give into them. (so much more to say on that in a later post) 
  • We have to change our thinking before we can change anything. 
So what are "right thoughts"?

Right thoughts always come from God. Here are a few examples we talked about

Psalm 25:13
He himself shall dwell at ease and his offspring shall inherit the land 
  • Anna remember the Mary and Martha story and how Martha wasn't dwelling at ease when Jesus was in their midst. We need to work hard at what we do but also dwell at ease the the place God has us. 
  • We need to relinquish our tight grasp and rest in the places we find ourselves 
  • This is the only way to have peace in our lives
Matthew 6:30
But if God so clothes the grass of the field, which today is alive and green and tomorrow is tossed into the furnace, will He not much more surely clothe you, O you of little faith? 

There is so much more but those are just a few of the conversation I want to record here. 

We talked with passion and softness late into the evening with tea and apple raspberry crisp. 

I've always wanted our girls when they grow up to be able to have deep, meaningful, faith filled conversations about God and his work in our lives. About verses and literature, music, and art that He uses to speak beauty into our lives. And last night it happened. 

I sat back and it was glorious. And beautiful. And I was an awe of what God has knit together over all of these years. 

And my heart knew, in those late, long hours, that she is ready. So ready to share her faith, her gifts, her deep intellectual thoughts with the world. 

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