Tuesday, January 30, 2018


There is a 90 minute delay this morning. It is so quiet outside. No cars. A few snowplows. But it's that magical quiet that usually means there is something brewing outside. I'll miss my "special" this morning with a 90 minute delay (no library for my class = no planning time for me) but that's okay. I need this extra magical time in the morning.


I was already up and awake, sipping my tea, having my Bible time. I don't have my phone with me then, so at 5:35 when I have to leave my desk and start my go go go morning, shower, breakfasts, ice in lunchboxes, thermos of waters in all our bags, dressed up, gather things, one last look over the kitchen (all in high speed) I looked at my phone that was upstairs and it said 90 minute delay.

I had a quick choice: do I go back to bed? or workout? or school work (I didn't get to any of it last night because Anna was in a concert)

Nah on the workout. And no on going back to sleep. That would just make the day feel all weird and I'd be afraid I wouldn't get up in time. So I thought I start here again. (and maybe I can fit in a little decorating for Valentines Day) (and read a chapter to Abigail on that awesome book we are reading)

I don't know where I left off. But I'll just start.


Life has been full. Here is what I've been up to:

taking care of my sweet girls
just their lunches packed, homemade breakfasts, and dinners keep my life full
taking care of my husband
just ironing his shirts keeps my life full
taking care of this house
just sweeping and dusting, tidying keeps my life full.
taking care of our home
just decorating a bit here and there to make our home a welcoming place to come home to keeps my life full
taking care of my teaching
just planning, making, copying, emailing, teaching keeps my life very very full

Oh, and there's a HUGE bathroom project we started at the end of June that has us beyond full.

But I am grateful for the big things and the small things like this delay we all have. Being able to finish his cup of tea right here. And opening up my blog again. Boy! It's been a while!

Thank you snow, Thank you winter, thank you for a 90 minute delay! Oh how I love winter. And a career that allows you to stay in your PJs on a cozy morning for just a bit longer.

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